

#bkacksheepretrievers #blacklabs #blacklabpuppy #blacklabretriever #blacklabrador #blacklabradorpuppy #blacklabinstagram

Piccola Elely a 1 mese di vita

Nessuna descrizione della foto disponibile.

Potrebbe essere un'immagine raffigurante cane e attività all'aperto

Dob: 30/10/2019
HD: B (Angolo di Norberg uguale o superiore a 105°)
ED:  0

🌤 Exercise-Induced Collapse: CARRIER
☀️Canine Elliptocytosis (SPTB Exon 30)
☀️Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (PKLR Exon 7 Labrador Variant)
☀️Progressive Retinal Atrophy, prcd (PRCD Exon 1)
☀️Golden Retriever Progressive Retinal Atrophy 2, GR-PRA2 (TTC8)
☀️Progressive Retinal Atrophy – crd4/cord1 (RPGRIP1)
☀️Day Blindness (CNGA3 Exon 7 Labrador Retriever Variant)
☀️Macular Corneal Dystrophy, MCD (CHST6)
☀️Urate Kidney & Bladder Stones (SLC2A9)
☀️Alexander Disease (GFAP)
☀️Narcolepsy (HCRTR2 Intron 6)
☀️Ulrich-like Congenital Muscular Dystrophy (COL6A3, Labrador Variant)
☀️Centronuclear Myopathy (PTPLA)
☀️X-Linked Myotubular Myopathy (MTM1, Labrador Variant)
☀️Congenital Myasthenic Syndrome (COLQ)
☀️Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis (SUV39H2)
☀️Skeletal Dysplasia 2, SD2 (COL11A2)
☀️☀️Additional Genetic Conditions
189 variants not detected/FREE
☀️☀️Clinical Tools
1 variant not detected/FREE
Coat Color
E Locus (MC1R) – No dark hairs anywhere (ee)
K Locus (CBD103) – Not expressed (KBKB)
Intensity Loci LINKAGE – Any pigmented hair likely yellow or tan (Intermediate Red Pigmentation)
A Locus (ASIP) – Not expressed (atat)
D Locus (MLPH) – Not expressed (DD)
Cocoa (HPS3) – No co alleles, not expressed (NN)
B Locus (TYRP1) – Likely black colored nose/feet (BB)
Saddle Tan (RALY) – Not expressed (II)
S Locus (MITF) – Likely to have little to no white in coat (SS)
M Locus (PMEL) – No merle alleles (mm)
R Locus (USH2A) – Likely no impact on coat pattern (rr)
H Locus (Harlequin) – No harlequin alleles (hh)
Furnishings (RSPO2) – Likely unfurnished (no mustache, beard, and/or eyebrows) (II)
Coat Length (FGF5) – Likely short or mid-length coat (GG)
Shedding (MC5R) – Likely heavy/seasonal shedding (CC)
Hairlessness (FOXI3) – Very unlikely to be hairless (NN)
Hairlessness (SGK3) – Very unlikely to be hairless (NN)
Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 2 (SLC45A2) – Likely not albino (NN)
Coat Texture (KRT71) – Likely straight coat (CC)



Figlia di Ch SM, Ch Slo Show Autunno Will Parry x Lalalu La Mia Stella Sei Tu – Elely è la nostra prima vera BlackSheep, nasce da un accoppiamento di cani nati da noi ed è la prima generazione di cani che spero siano alla base del mio tipo di cane, un domani.